About Me

I've been interested in coding and computers since I was just a small child. My parents had technical backgrounds, and I had a laptop since I was a kid. When I was 10 years old my mom, who worked as a web developer for Ebay at the time, explained to me how the DOM works.

I started making websites in my free time from then. I was interested in creating virtual communities, and created a website for my friend' minecraft server. In 8th grade I won the school' science fair with a project I made with several friends - a personal assistant phone application, similar to Siri. We even charged other kids to add custom prompts and responses, and not long after our whole class had our app installed on their phones.

My professional career in web development started at MakDigitalDesign. There I started with working on SEO, wordpress sites, and learning the ins and outs of the trade. Eventually I moved on to working with ecommerce businesses on Shopify and Bigcommerce, where I created custom themes using Liquid and Stencil.

I found my passion in the trade when I learned more about frameworks like React and Vue. I worked on some hobby projects, and then brought my knowledge into my work, by creating custom React based components for the businesses I was working with. One of the most highly requested projects from that time period was a drag and drop into bigcommerce "side cart", that pulls out from either the left or right, and allows for changing the quantity as well as product options from any page on the storefront.

From there I've moved onto my current line of work, which I'm most excited about, and believe is the future of ecommerce - headless storefronts. This lead me into working with both front and backend code based around typescript, NodeJS, and React, as well as working with frameworks such as NextJS and RemixJS, the latter which I have become a huge supporter of.

I'm excited and highly motivated to learn more and work on a wider variety of projects, and leave my mark on the web. My mission is to encourage accessibility, create fast websites using progressive enhancement, and end the days of constant loading spinners while browsing content.